Travel information

Travel information

Attention! In high arrival/departure times the bus transfer for additional fee from/to airport will be arranged. Please help us to decide on transfer times, filling this QUESTIONNAIRE.

The currency in Estonia is Euro.

Easiest way to Pärnu is through Lennert Meri Tallinn Airport:

More than 20 direct intercity buses go from bus terminal of Tallinn (2.5 km from airport) to Pärnu daily, timetable and online ticket sale: The bus trip lasts about 2 hours. Most comfortable buses are labelled „Lux Express“.

It is recommended to buy a ticket in advance because buses may be full. However, in case of free seats, you can buy a ticket in the bus.

On demand, a transfer from/to Tallinn airport will be organized in busiest times of arrival and departure of participants.

Pärnu is also accessible from Riga Airport (, which has more flight connections. There are about 10 daily public bus connections (about 2.5 h) between Riga bus terminal and Pärnu, see

The intercity buses stop in Pärnu bus station by address Pikk str. 13, 2.4 km away from the conference venue.

More information (city transport, social events, sightseeing etc.) will follow soon!

Pärnu beach