Extended abstract submission is ended!

You can register and pay participation fee in https://fienta.com/harmo-22


Publication permission form – required only after the conference for publishing at public site. However, please read carefully, there is important information on publishing policy!

All extended versions of the submitted papers will be issued in the electronic Conference Proceedings and will be made available to the participants of the conference.|

ATTENTION! Only extended abstracts, based on previously accepted short abstracts will be considered. No new submissions are to be accepted! However, participation without a presentation is encouraged, too.

Presentation will be accepted and extended abstract will be made available for participants only after the participation fee for the presenting author is paid. In case, if no extended abstract submitted, the initial (short) abstract will be made available instead. Both credit card and bank transfer payment options are available HERE.

On special rates for students and multiple participants from the same work group, please send a request to harmo22@ut.ee.

As soon as the scientific programme is defined, we will provide you with the information concerning the date and time of your presentation.

Please check the website of the conference regularly for announcements, updated content, and important deadlines.